Development and Sales

Our Development and Growth Strategy was approved by our Board in September 2023 and reflects our ambition to play our part in meeting the acute housing need across our operating area between Oxford and Cambridge.

Within our Strategy, we recognise a number of 'Routes to Market' which allow for well managed and sustained growth within our business plan.

Partnerships with residential developers

We work with a range of house builders, from local family firms to national developers to acquire new homes and fulfil their Section 106 planning obligations to provide affordable housing within new developments.

From small bespoke developments in village settings to major urban extensions and new settlements, our development team works closely with developers to ensure that the homes will meet the needs of our new customers and be part of sustainable communities.

We will also occasionally acquire homes from developers which exceed their planning obligations, and provide additional affordable homes for rent and shared ownership.

We also work with developer/ contractors on land and build ‘package’ deals and joint ventures which enable us to have greater influence on the mix, tenure and specification of new homes than can often be achieved through Section 106 procurement.

bpha led developments

We develop all affordable or mixed tenure developments on sites acquired from the market or through partners including Local Authorities. We work to maximise sites’ potential and the schemes are tendered and built out by contractor partners. We are also looking to progress longer term relationships with developers/contractors across a programme of schemes to improve efficiency and value.

We work to develop new homes which minimise the impact on the environment. Wherever possible, we will achieve EPC A rating, ensuring new homes are thermally efficient, better for the planet and cheaper to run for our customers.

Homes at our Rural Exception site at Cootes Lane in Fen Drayton, South Cambridgeshire have been designed to achieve EPC A ratings through a more thermally efficient building fabric and the use of solar photovoltaic panels and air-source heat pumps. The fabric-efficiency in the homes is being achieved using highly insulated panels to construct the walls, which are manufactured off-site.

Electric vehicle charging points and cycle parking facilities are being provided, along with a footpath which links the scheme to the adjacent village hall and playing field. bpha is also funding improvements to the village hall and play areas which are next to the site.

The scheme will exceed Biodiversity Net Gain standards by introducing native planting, integrated bat and bird boxes and hedgehog connectivity measures. The external lighting will minimise the effects of light pollution on the surrounding area and will protect nearby wildlife habitat. Landscaping will include a community orchard and sustainable drainage methods.

We look forward to working with our future customers at Fen Drayton to measure the effectiveness of the environmental benefits incorporated into the scheme.



Making better use of our existing assets is really important to bpha, and work is underway to redevelop former garage sites and provide much needed social rented homes across seven sites in Bedford.

We are also excited to be planning a comprehensive regeneration of the Greyfriars area of Bedford town centre. Working with Bedford Borough Council and Homes England, we want to provide our customers and residents of the existing tower blocks with new, high quality and thermally efficient homes and provide additional housing across a new mixed-use, residentially-led quarter with commercial space and community facilities which will be well integrated into the town centre.

New opportunities

Our development team would be delighted to discuss new opportunities with developers, land owners and contractors. Please get in touch

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