Customer feedback is extremely important to us. It lets us know what we are doing well, along with where and how we can improve.
What are Tenant Satisfaction Measures?
In 2023 the Regulator for Social Housing introduced the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs).
There are 22 tenant satisfaction measures, covering five themes. 12 of the 22 are measured by carrying out customer surveys that will tell us how satisfied you are with the services we provide.
The results are collected from rented and shared owner customers (the regulator refers to these groups as low cost rental accommodation (LCRA) and low cost home ownership (LCHO).
This is one of the important ways that will help us understand your experiences of bpha and make improvements as a result.
How did we collect the information?
We collected our survey responses in line with guidance set out by the regulator. This included making sure the survey responses were truly representative of our full customer population. If you’d like to learn a bit more about this, please read our summary of approach. Customers were then selected randomly by IFF Research to take part in a short survey.
IFF Research will continue to collect the results for us this year too. You may receive a phone call from 0330 027 0103 or get an email from Your feedback is invaluable, so we would encourage you to take part if you’re able to.
The five themes covered by the TSMs are:
The remaining 10 TSMs are management information reported by bpha, covering:
What are the 2023/2024 results?
Overall, 63.7% of customers said they were satisfied with the services provided by bpha, a further 14.4% said they were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. (Rental customers 70.9%; shared owner customers 49.6%).
These questions were only asked to our rented customers.
An important part of providing the affordable and comfortable homes we promise is to deliver a reliable and cost-effective repairs and maintenance service. We have done lots of work to improve this, including:
These TSMs statistics show how we are doing with our repairs
We are committed to maintaining safe homes. Our final TSMs figures show this;
We take your safety very seriously and this can be seen in our commitment to carrying out all the safety checks we need to; and something more. Over the last year we have set up a Building Safety Group, made up of residents from our high-rise blocks, and a number of staff from our compliance, housing and health and safety teams.
First on its agenda was to work on a Building Safety Residents Engagement Strategy template which is going out for wider consultation to customers in a number of the high-rise blocks. We will then make sure every person over 16 years of age who lives in these blocks receives one, before repeating this process on other high-rise blocks.
We also asked an extra question here:
How strongly would you agree or disagree with the following statement, “I trust bpha to do what they say they will do?”. 55% agreed with this.
We want this to be much higher. In May 2024 we finished our recruitment for our customer Service Improvement Panel, we have 10 customers who will be part of the ongoing customer voice at bpha. This group will sit alongside our customer experience committee and provide customer scrutiny over what our Board sees.
Our new Customer strategy was written early in 2024 and will be reviewed next year. Usually this would cover a longer period but with so many changes in the economy and political landscape including regulation we want to make sure our strategy stays current.
In April 2023 the new complaints resolution team was set up; over the year the team managed 734 complaints; 675 where submitted as part of the TSM data collection (some were excluded due to the Regulator for Social Housing’s technical requirements). We implemented a promises part to our process which means if we can’t resolve the complaint within the Ombudsman’s timescales (such as complete a repair) the team will monitor and check in with you afterwards to make sure it has all been completed to your satisfaction.
We use our online engagement page, The Place, to ask you about our services. We really want to get more people involved in this page as we want to hear from as many customers as possible. You can sign up to help design our services here.
And to help ensure we listen, understand and act on what you tell us, we have continued to make sure our staff receive empathy training.
How we respond to complaints is a top priority and one of the reasons we set up the Complaints Resolution Team.
There is a lot of work to be done, but we have made some improvements:
These are just a few examples of how we focussed on improving services last year; we are continually looking at ways we can get better. We’ll be issuing more information about how we are performing and plans for what we are going to do with the TSM data later in 2024.
You can see all our results, and the breakdown between rented and shared ownership customers here.
The Regulator has asked housing providers to report TSM results every year at the end of March. But a lot can happen in a year, so in addition to our annual results, we’ve decided to publish your feedback on a rolling basis, publishing new results and how we’re acting on the feedback regularly both here, and in every edition of Talk, your bpha customer magazine.
If you have any questions about Tenant Satisfaction Measures or our published results, please contact us.