Hello and welcome to Talk magazine.
I'm Sunita Parbhakar, and my role at bpha is Head of Housing Operations. I look after five housing management teams, each covering a different geographical area, plus our Allocations and Lettings, Money Advice and Community Engagement teams.
As you might remember from the last edition of Talk, we’ve been reviewing our approach to how we manage anti-social behaviour (ASB). In this edition you’ll find out more about the action we take when we receive a report of ASB – plus how we’re working with LINK Mediation to resolve issues between neighbours.
With Christmas nearly here, Amanda Ryan, our Money Advice Manager is back with some guidance if you’re worried about spending or debt – you’ll also find a recipe for a traditional Christmas lunch for six for under £20. Staying with the theme, you’ll find information about two free Christmas events coming up in Cambridge, organised by our Community Engagement team. And lastly, you could win a £25 Love2Shop voucher by taking part in our Christmas quiz – find out more here.
I hope you enjoy this edition – Talk will be back with you in 2025!
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