Customer feedback is extremely important to us. It lets us know what we are doing well, along with where and how we can improve.
In 2023 the Regulator for Social Housing introduced the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). The results are one of the important ways that will help us understand your experiences of bpha and make improvements as a result.
You can find out more about the Tenant Satisfaction Measures on our annual results page, including what areas they cover and how we collect the information.
The Regulator has asked housing providers to report TSM results every year at the end of March. But a lot can happen in a year, so we’ve decided to publish our results on a rolling basis, publishing new results and how we’re acting on the feedback regularly both here, and in every edition of Talk, your bpha customer magazine.
The figures below cover April to December 2024. Our full year results for 2023/24 can be found on our annual results page.
We had 1068 responses, 728 of which were from rental customers and 340 from shared ownership customers. You can see a full breakdown of the latest results for our rental and shared ownership customers in each section below.
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 70.2% | -1.2 |
Homeowners | 45.3% | +0.6 |
In the last three months, overall satisfaction amongst our rental customers has dropped slightly. In contrast, our homeowners are more satisfied than they were at the end of the previous three months of results. We’re always keen to find out more about ways that you think we can improve the service we provide you. We’re also interested to know more about how you would like to tell us what you feel about our services. If you have any suggestions for ways we can gather feedback, please let us know.
We ask our rental customers about their satisfaction around the repairs service and how well bpha maintains their home. We’ve seen a slight drop in satisfaction for all three repairs TSM questions since the previous three months of results. Your feedback indicates that repair appointment delays are an issue.
In the previous TSM quarterly update, we told you that our Service Improvement Panel (SIP) will be looking into the reasons why we have ‘no access’ at repairs appointments, to help us understand more about why appointments are missed. This piece of work is underway, and SIP recently met with our Head of In-House Maintenance to discuss this. They are currently doing a review of customer and bpha maintenance responsibilities and will be diving deeper into our data to understand more about the reasons for delays and missed appointments. We’ll share an update on the progress of this work in the next TSM update.
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 76.4% | +0.6 |
Homeowners | 72.9% | +0.4 |
We’re pleased to see that there has been an increase in the number of rental and homeowner customers who feel we provide a home that is safe.
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 56.8% | -1.1 |
Homeowners | 35.9% | -1.3 |
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 66.6% | -1.9 |
Homeowners | 63.1% | +0.7 |
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 78.6% | -0.1 |
Homeowners | 65.5% | +1 |
It is disappointing to see that there is a decrease in the number of customers who feel we listen to their views and act on them. There’s also a slight drop in satisfaction amongst our rental customers who think we keep them informed. In contrast, homeowners are more satisfied than the previous three months, with how informed we keep them.
We recently met with our Independent Living colleagues find out more about how staff at the schemes listen to the views of our Independent Living customers. Following a customer consultation we carried out at Betty Dodd Court in Luton, we found that customers did not want a full-time caterer but preferred a café style instead. We’ll be looking to introduce an external catering provider to run a café three days a week at this scheme.
As mentioned previously, we are always keen to find out the ways you’d like us to communicate with you. We want to ensure all customers, regardless of tenure, feel they are being listened to and treated fairly. Please get in touch if you have any feedback, by emailing
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 37.4% | +1.6 |
Homeowners | 31.5% | +0.9 |
We’re pleased to see that our complaints scores have improved since our previous set of feedback results.
When surveyed, this question is aimed at someone who has gone through our formal complaints process. We have previously compared our TSM data with our complaints data and found that a large proportion of customers who say they have made a complaint have not logged a formal complaint with us.
We've published some guidance around what is and isn't a formal complaint in Talk magazine to help customers understand the process and how to give us their feedback when they're not happy. You can find out more using the button below.
Our Service Improvement Project Officer regularly reviews the learning outcomes that come out of complaints to identify actionable service improvements.
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 56.8% | -0.9 |
Homeowners | 39.2% | +4.1 |
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 53.8% | -1.2 |
Homeowners | 36.1% | +2.3 |
Year to date figures for April to December 2024 | Change since year to date figures for April to June 2024 | |
Rental | 54.4% | -0.4 |
Homeowners | 36.8% | +1.2 |
Satisfaction with the maintenance of communal areas has received a mixed response in the last three months. Rental customers are less positive, while homeowner satisfaction has improved by 4.10%.
Feedback arising from the TSMs relating to communal areas commonly refers to poor maintenance of grass and shrubs. Customers have mentioned the lack of maintenance of bushes. We’re implementing maps to ensure our contractor, Just Ask, is clear on the areas it needs to manage and hope to see an improvement in the TSM scores for maintenance of communal areas.
We have a new antisocial behaviour (ASB) policy which has been approved. The process to accompany it is due to be tested from the middle of February 2025, and will then be sent for approval from our Operational Programme Board, which oversees improvements to the services we offer our customers, before being implemented. We’re hoping that a revised way of working will help increase customer satisfaction around how bpha handles ASB cases.