Recycling and waste


We all have a part to play in making sure our neighbourhoods are a great places to live. This includes our personal responsibility for disposing of our household rubbish properly. Each local authority has slightly different arrangements for collecting your bins depending on whether you live in a house or flat. You could have your own wheelie bin or a communal large bin.

It is really important that everyone disposes of their rubbish correctly and where possible, recycles. With recycling rules varying from area to area it can sometimes be confusing to know what you can and can’t recycle and where.

According to Recycle Now, the biggest contaminator is drinking glasses, with a third (33%) of UK households mistakenly adding these to their recycling. Closely followed by foil pouches (29%) and toothpaste tubes (26%) – which over a quarter of households mistakenly put in the recycling.

To take the mystery out of what can and can’t be recycled, Recycle Now have developed a recycle locater tool which lets you know what can be recycled where you live. Just type in your postcode and the handy tool will tell you what you can and can’t put in your bins. To find our more go to

Sadly, just a few wrong items, such as toothpaste tubes and broken drinking glasses, can end up spoiling whole lorry loads of recycling. Some items like batteries can even be hazardous, as they can cause fires at recycling facilities.

If bins are contaminated, the local authority will not collect the bins. This means we have to arrange for a special collection which costs money which in some cases could be recharged back to your service charges.

Fly tipping

Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. If it is on bpha property, please report it to us [Link to contact us]. If possible, please take a picture of the rubbish. If you see anyone fly tipping, let us know. This is a breach of our tenancy and lease agreements, and we will take action against anyone we find who fly tips. This costs bpha a lot of money every year, money that could be spent on improvements to blocks.

Large bulky items

Check your local authority web site to see if they offer free collections of bulk items. If you are leaving it for them to collect, please do not leave your item in a public place too far in advance as it can encourage other people to add to it. The Council only tend to pick up the items reported and leaves the other stuff behind.

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