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Antisocial behaviour
Report a behaviour
First name
Last name
First line of address
How would you like us to get in touch?
Email address
Phone number
Do you live in a bpha home?
Type of behaviour
Date and time of incident
Tell us what happened
The name and address of each person involved, if known:
Please describe the incident(s)
Do any of the alleged perpetrators live in a bpha home?
Is this the first time you have reported this behaviour to bpha?
If no, was the last report of this behaviour reported to bpha within the last 3 months?
Have you reported the behaviour to anyone else?
If yes, please give details of the agency/agencies, and give an incident number where relevant
Please provide your consent to the following by ticking the box before submitting your report: - I consent to bpha collecting any information I provide as part of this report - I consent to bpha using the information I provide to investigate the behaviours I report if required - Where required, I consent to bpha sharing the information I provide with other agencies, including, if necessary, the police and local authorities - I give consent for the information I have provided within this report to be retained for 5 years. You can find more information about how bpha collects and processes your personal data here.
I agree to the terms and conditions.
To find out about how we process your data, please read our privacy policy.
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