12th June 2024
We have recently been updating our range of opportunities for customers to share their feedback and get involved – and have been recruiting for customers to join our newly formed Service Improvement Panel.
The panel will be made of 10 customers who will work directly with bpha Director of Customer and Services and the Service Improvement Team to look at bpha’s performance from a customer viewpoint.
We had an overwhelming response to our recruitment and in April we held a series of sessions for 36 customers who had been shortlisted from the 90 applicants. They all took part in a Cycle of Service activity which looked at our process for ASB noise complaints, from a customer perspective.
We then held one to one interviews with candidates and members of bpha’s non-executive committee and successfully recruited for a full panel.
For those who weren’t successful, we have lots of other opportunities to share their experiences and influence our services, whether they are interested in repairs, complaints, estate maintenance, housing services or building safety, and have a little or a lot of time to spare, there is a role for them.
As with all our partnerships we feel the new panel demonstrates our value- we are better together and our commitment to working with customers to improve our service. Their experience of living in their home and community means they are best placed to tell us what’s working and where we could improve.
To find out more about how we are involving customers to shape our services please get in touch with the Customer Engagement Team Customervoice@bpha.org.uk