Your latest feedback: Tenant Satisfaction Measures

2 June 2024

Just to remind you, last year the Regulator for Social Housing introduced the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). This includes us regularly surveying customers to ensure we know how satisfied you are with the services we provide. We use this information, along with other feedback, to help us review our services. It’s a really important way for us to understand your experiences of bpha and make improvements as a result.

Over the last three months we’ve seen a lower score for satisfaction around our approach to complaint handling. This is disappointing, but we are already aware that this area needs work – that has resulted in our new Service Improvement Team, including a Complaints Resolution Manager and Complaints Resolution Officers.

The team has been in place since April, while those surveyed are asked to tell us about complaints made over the last 12 months. We know this means it will take time for your feedback to improve.

However, we want to understand what’s behind this feedback so that we can change it. Having looked at those who shared their details with the research team, only 27% had logged a complaint with us. If you do find that you want to make a complaint, we’d urge you to log it with us, and make sure you receive a complaint reference number. It can be investigated by your dedicated Complaints Resolution Officer, who will follow a set process to ensure they consider all details and reach an outcome that’s fair for everyone. You can find that information here.

Following the introduction of the Complaints Resolution Team, we have also reviewed our complaints policy in line with the Housing Ombudsman code, which was created to ensure landlords resolve complaints from customers quickly and use the learnings to make improvements. This will be published on our website in the coming weeks. We have also reinstated the complaints satisfaction survey, sent to all complainants once their case is closed, to make us aware of any issues so that we can address them.

IFF Research undertakes the Tenant Satisfaction Measures surveys on our behalf. You may receive a phone call from 0330 027 0103 or get an email from

If you have any questions about Tenant Satisfaction Measures or our published results, please contact us.

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