Customer feedback is extremely important to us. It lets us know what we are doing well, along with where and how we can improve.
In 2023 the Regulator for Social Housing introduced the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs). The results are one of the important ways that will help us understand your experiences of bpha and make improvements as a result.
You can find out more about the Tenant Satisfaction Measures on our annual results page, including what areas they cover and how we collect the information.
The Regulator has asked housing providers to report TSM results every year at the end of March. But a lot can happen in a year, so we’ve decided to publish our results on a rolling basis, publishing new results and how we’re acting on the feedback regularly both here, and in every edition of Talk, your bpha customer magazine.
The figures below cover April to June 2024. Our full year results for 2023/24 can be found on our annual results page.
You can see a breakdown of the latest results for our rental and shared ownership customers at the bottom of this page.
64% satisfied
0% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
We want to make this better. Please tell us how we can do that by giving us feedback, getting involved in our customer groups or on The Place to help improve our services. You can find more information on how you can be involved here.
68% satisfied
+2% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
68% is obviously lower than we aim for however, with recent additions to the In House Maintenance Service, we are confident the waiting time for a repair will substantially reduce. We know this has been the main area of concern for customers. As a direct result of recent recruitment, we expect much shorter turnaround times for completing repairs.
56% satisfied
-4% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
Work is underway to improve the response times for repairs. As well as the two new Repairs teams we talked about in our Annual TSM results, additional operatives are joining us. We are also introducing a dedicated team that will focus on maintenance and small repairs that you report.
71% satisfied
+1% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
While we’re disappointed about our customers view of the time taken to complete repairs, it’s encouraging to know that there’s an increase in the number of customers who are satisfied their home is well maintained and safe. We have recently decided to change the way our surveying services work and the new team will have a greater focus on building surveying skills, contract management and stock condition (where we regularly check the condition of the buildings to make sure your homes are safe and we are maintaining them well). As a result, we hope you see an improvement to our services around keeping your home well maintained and safe and these are reflected in further increases in scores for these areas.
75% satisfied
+1% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
See above.
52% satisfied
+3% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
It is good to see this score edging in the right direction, though obviously we would like it to be much higher. In the TSM survey we are now asking customers to give reasons for their satisfaction rating for this question to help us understand what it is that we are, and aren’t, listening to you about or reacting to. We will then be able to identify if there are particular areas that we need to improve upon.
66% satisfied
+4% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
We’re pleased to see a significant increase here and will work to grow this further.
77% agree
+6% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
We’re delighted to see this increase but will continue to work to improve it further. As well as welcoming your direct feedback, one way we can get a clear view of how you feel is through our compliments reporting system, as well as the process for complaints. You can report either a compliment or a complaint here.
29% satisfied
-6% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
This is disappointing, but we are already aware that this area needs work – that has resulted in our new Service Improvement Team, including a Complaints Resolution Manager and Complaints Resolution Officers. The team has been in place since April, while those surveyed are asked to tell us about complaints made over the last 12 months. We know this means it will take time for your feedback to improve.
However, we want to understand what’s behind this feedback so that we can change it. Having looked at those who shared their details with the research team, only 22% had logged a complaint with us. If you do find that you want to make a complaint, we’d urge you to log it with us, and make sure you receive a complaint reference number. It can be investigated by your dedicated Complaints Resolution Officer, who will follow a set process to ensure they consider all details and reach an outcome that’s fair for everyone. You can find that information here.
Following the introduction of the Complaints Resolution Team, we have also reviewed our complaints policy in line with the Housing Ombudsman code, which was created to ensure landlords resolve complaints from customers quickly and use the learnings to make improvements. This will be published on our website in the coming weeks. We have also reinstated the complaints satisfaction survey, sent to all complainants once their case is closed, to make us aware of any issues so that we can address them.
54% satisfied
+2% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
Together with our caretaking service and Just Ask, our grounds maintenance contractor, we have been working hard to improve the quality of our communal areas. We know there is still work to do but it is reassuring that customers have noticed a difference in the service and the overall score for keeping communal areas clean and tidy has increased.
50% satisfied
+3% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
We’re pleased to see an increase here. We recently launched our new Corporate Strategy, along with a new vision: Quality homes. Connected communities. Helping make places and build local communities is one of our four commitments for 2024-2029. You can read more about this in our Corporate Strategy.
We continue to work closely with partners in the communities we have homes. We have great relationships with councils, schools, shops and when needed the police too. We are part of a variety of partnership groups and meetings – and as a result of much of the work we do in communities we have been able to support with the introduction and expansion of a number of local community hubs.
55% satisfied
+8% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
This increase is hugely positive. We have a new policy for antisocial behaviour (ASB) and are in the process of developing a new procedure for managing it. We have mapped this out, have run it past our SIP for their approval, and are now finalising this with more customers, colleagues and other partners to make sure it works for everyone. We have been working closely with both Bedford Borough Council and Central Beds Council ASB and environmental health teams. Colleagues who work in other boroughs, such as Cambridge, are bringing their experiences to our working group to help us develop a process that reflects all the areas you live in. The next step is to work on updating our website and updating our internal systems to help us effectively manage the ASB cases that we receive.
58% satisfied
+3% change since full year results (end of March 2024)
Our aim is to improve this score as we carry out the actions outlined above, and through our direct contact you with. The key is knowing why you feel the way you do, so please tell us.
5.4 out of 10
New question, so no comparison yet.
We have added a question to help find out about the amount of effort you feel you need to make when you interact with us. For this one, the lower the score is the better because it means you feel you don’t have to make as much effort to reach out to us.