This page is to make a formal complaint about a failure in bpha service delivery. To report anti-social behaviour or safeguarding concerns please visit anti-social behaviour page or the safeguarding page.

bpha is committed to providing a good service to all customers. We recognise that sometimes people will have cause for dissatisfaction with our service and will wish to make a complaint. Our complaints process is easy to use and all complaints are dealt with fairly, impartially and in a timely manner.

If you have any concerns around anti-social behaviour please visit the anti-social behaviour page.

How does it work?

Make a complaint

Hear from us within 72 hours

Discuss your complaint in detail


Resolution and agreement

Read now

Read our latest Housing Ombudsman self-assessment.

How do I make a complaint?

You can make a complaint in any of the following ways:

Please note: we only accept complaints where a dissatisfaction has happened in the last 6 weeks. But there may be special circumstances where we will consider complaints up to 6 months if there has been a continuous dissatisfaction.

Who can I speak to when making a complaint?

Our Customer Communications Centre can be contacted on 0330 100 0272 and always aim to resolve your issue straight away. If they’re unable to do this, it may be that your concern will need to be logged for further investigation.

It might be that your issue could be better resolved through another organisation where you may be able to seek independent advice. We can help by signposting you to other organisations where appropriate.

What do I need to tell you?

So that we can help you as quickly as possible, please tell us what the problem is and when it started. It would be helpful if you could let us know the names of any employees you have already spoken to about this matter.

We will ask you what you would consider as a reasonable resolution and will explain to you if this is achievable.

What happens after I have complained?

We will strive to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. When we receive your complaint, we will contact you within 72 working hours.

At this point, we will discuss your concerns in more detail so that we can work towards reaching an agreed solution.

Your complaint handler may need to investigate further and will agree with you a communication plan to keep you informed of the progress.

When the investigation is complete, your complaint handler will contact you to advise you of the proposed resolution and any learnings identified from your complaint. Where possible this will be within 10 working days of your complaint being logged with us.

Where can I find your complaints policy?

You can read and download our full Compliments and Complaints Policy here.

Appealing the complaint decision

If we’re unable to resolve your complaint, you can ask to escalate to an appeal. You must do this within one week and you must tell us what you feel we have failed to explain or do.

Our Complaints Resolution Team will escalate your complaint for you and assign it to a senior member of service area.

You will be contacted to discuss the appeal process and timescales. If we are still unable to resolve matters, we will write to you with a full response advising you of the next steps.

You can also refer to the Housing Ombudsman.

What happens if I’m still not happy?

If you’re not satisfied with how your complaint is being handled, you feel you have not received a response, or you disagree with the final decision, you can refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service at any time.

This must be done within twelve months of ending our complaints process.

Alternatively, you can contact a designated person who may be able to recommend other ways for it to be resolved. A designated person is:

  • a member of Parliament
  • your local councillor
  • a recognised resident panel

The designated person may decide to refer the matter directly to the Housing Ombudsman.

Referring directly to the Housing Ombudsman

The Housing Ombudsman prefers customers to follow the complaints procedure before opening a formal case with them. However, you may contact them for advice at any point during the process:

  • Online:
  • By telephone: 0300 111 3000
  • By emailing:
  • By post: Housing Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower,
  • Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9GE


Get in touch with the Housing Ombudsman

How can I read about the decisions the Housing Ombudsman has made on cases?

The Housing Ombudsman has now started publishing all decisions on cases it has investigated. Click here for more information.


Get in touch with the Housing Ombudsman

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Make a Complaint

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