Get involved

Sharing your knowledge and experience of living in your home helps to make sure that we are delivering services that meet your needs.  By becoming and involved customer you help to ensure that the customer voice is at the heart of all our decisions.

Why is your voice so important to us?

  • You know more about how our services work than anyone else
  • You know more about your homes than we do
  • Customers truly are at the heart of what we do
  • Our first consideration is ‘what impact will this have on customers?
  • We want to listen and respond to the customer voice, delivering the services that meet your individual needs, in a way that is personal and professional
  • Customer Engagement brings a deeper understanding of the real needs of customers.

How can you get involved with bpha?

The Place 

‘The Place’, is our online customer engagement community. A place for customers to share their views and take part in surveys, quick polls and conversations where their contribution will help improve services.

Surveys - You may be invited to take part in a survey for bpha; we carry out transactional surveys; to check how well we carried out a task; or perception surveys where we might ask a number of questions about a particular topic or experience.

Focus Groups – We invite customers to be involved in focus groups. These might be one session, or a series of them. Focus groups might be called different things, task and finish groups, tea and talk sessions, chips and chat – what we really want is for you to chat with other customers and some bpha colleagues about particular services we are reviewing.

Resident Inspectors - We ask Customers to give us their opinion of work that been completed; this might be to inspect some grounds maintenance areas, review an empty home or chat to another customer about their experience of something.

Building Safety Group – We have a building safety group; this is made up of customers who live in the High Rise blocks and work with bpha to make sure we are providing a safe environment for them to live

Resolve – Maybe you want to know more about how we manage complaints, and what we do with the outcomes. Joining in with a Resolve review will focus first on how we manage a complaint topic; then it will deep dive into what these complaints are really telling us.

Mystery Shopping – you'll get the chance to test what we do without us knowing it! Customer mystery shoppers give us a true picture of how we interact with residents.

Being part of bpha panels – We invite customers to be part of a variety of bpha panels; including recruitment for senior positions, such as Board members, and the selection process for new contracts.

Service Improvement Panel – A recent big change is the recruitment of the Service Improvement Panel. The Panel will work directly with the Board, and bpha colleagues to scrutinise the services we provide to customers.

What is scrutiny? Customer scrutiny gives you an active role in setting our processes and standards, rather than just being a recipient of our services. It gives you the chance to reality check us and hold us to account.

TPAS – we are members of TPAS, and you can join too!

Who are Tpas?

The Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) are a not-for-profit organisation, who’s aim is to improve resident engagement across the country. They believe that by working together, they can help landlords make changes that suit everyone involved – residents, contractors, and service providers across the sector.

How to sign up!

Tpas is free for all customers and colleagues. To register all you need to do is create an account on the Tpas website and select bpha as your organisation. You can then gain access to all the free tools and learning and subscribe to the free e-news.

Examples of how you shaped our services

  • We invited customers to be part of the recruitment panel for our new Chair of the Board.
  • Customers formed part of the selection panel to help us choose our new electrical contractor and new web designer.
  • Customers have tested the website design and will continue to be involved as we continue to develop the layout and content
  • We have soft launched the ability to raise and book your own repairs through my.bpha. We have worked with customers to get their feedback into what works well and makes sense, and what needs to be improved
  • New Homes Survey – The results from this survey are helping our development team make sure the design spec is what customers want and need.
  • The Building Safety group have signed off the look and feel of the Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy before it goes for wider customer consultation .
  • Kitchens and bathrooms – customers helped to select their favourite options out of different styles of cupboards, worktops, tiles and flooring which now form part of the choices the new kitchens and bathroom team offer customers
  • Customers contributed towards last years customer annual report content and style
  • Leaseholders were invited to take part in a review of the welcome packs new Leaseholders receive to make sure the content was up to date and relevant.
  • Customers were invited to a Microsoft teams meeting where Mark Earle, Head of In-house Maintenance, answered their questions about the service and discussed the future plans.

Find out more

If you would like to get involved or find out more please email or call 0330 100 0272 and ask to speak to the Customer Engagement Team.

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