Report a repair

To find out who is responsible for common repairs or maintenance needed in and around your home, click the button below.

Use my.account

Raise a repair online through my.account.

WhatsApp us

Send us a message with WhatsApp at 01234 923233.

Emergency repairs

Email us

For non-emergency repairs, send us an email.

Call us

Call our Customer Communications Centre at
0330 1000 272.

How to report a repair

How to report a repair

You can report repairs by the following channels:

  • WhatsApp us on 01234 923233
  • For non-emergency repairs you can email us at
  • Calling our Customer Communications Centre: 0330 100 0272
  • You can report a repair 24 hours per day, seven days a week, 365 days a year online through my.account
  • Repairs to gas heating and hot water systems are dealt with by TSG, our gas, heating and hot water contractor. TSG can be contacted on 0800 111 4044.

What you’ll need

  • The address
  • Details of the repair
  • When access is available during the day
  • If you can be contacted by phone.


We will then advise you which priority applies to the repair, according to the following categories:

  1. Emergency repair to be completed within 24 hours
  2. We will visit within 28 working days of an issue being reported to gain a better understanding of the repair. We will always attempt to complete repairs in one visit where possible, however if the repair is of a complex nature or requires parts that we do not hold as van stock, this may take longer
  3. Planned works to be carried out as part of a programme.

Emergency repairs

What are emergency repairs?

Sometimes you may need to contact us out of hours. For example:

Electrical: where there is no power whatsoever, water affecting wiring after a leak or if a lift or fire alarm are out of order.

Fire: where the Fire Service is attending or has attended.

Fuel and other service supply: faults with gas, electric, oil and water are generally subject to special arrangements with various statutory agencies and contractors. Under normal circumstances service supply problems will be dealt with as soon as possible, but residents may be expected to make their own temporary arrangements to provide portable heaters and similar.

Water: bursts on hot or cold water supply – but only when the resident is unable to turn off the stop-tap – are classed as an out-of-hours emergency, as are overflowing drains or toilets inside the property.

Weather: bpha will attend out of hours if bad weather such as gale force winds or lightning has caused extensive damage inside the house.

For an out of hours emergency, call 0330 100 0272 and follow the instructions.

If you smell gas or any other fumes please call National Grid emergency line 0800 111 999 at any time of day or night. If possible open windows and doors, turn off the gas meter, do not use naked flames and avoid turning on switches or sockets.

What can you do to help?

What can you do to help?

We work hard to deliver a great service and always do everything we can to be as quick, thorough and professional as possible. But there are a few things that you can do to help us help you with your repair:

  • Our contact number 0330 100 0272 can be busy in the mornings, especially on Mondays – it helps if you avoid calling at this time if your call is not an emergency
  • Use the Repairs Guide to help you identify the problem when you call us
  • Keep agreed appointments
  • If you have special requirements that you would like our employees or contractors to take into consideration when visiting your home, please tell us when you report your repair
  • Be aware of our contractors’ health and safety by keeping dogs and other pets out of the way during visits, respecting their need to wear safety footwear and other safety equipment at all times – even when inside your home – and not smoking in rooms where work is being carried out.

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